As a growing seventh grader, Scott was of average height and stood even with his classmates. His interests were varied as he bounced from peer group to peer group. One day he could be found ankle deep in a stream looking for crawdads and the next hunting for golf balls on a dog-leg par four at the country club. He knew little about music, but did know he despised his dad's country music. He had yet to adopt a favorite genre, as the tunes of choice in seventh grade had not yet hooked him. Time would take care of his love for music.
Like with most young people, sports represented an opportunity to release the enthusiasm and dreams of youth. In grade school he played every sport he could find. Now in junior high, the coaches seemed more intense and demanding in every sport. He loved them all but chose long distance running and basketball. He witnessed a sense of freedom with every stride he took on the cross country course. At times he lost himself in the race, oblivious to runners at his side. Running represented an interest but fell short of passion. That was reserved for basketball.